When Jesus Got Angry

  • Ephesians 4:26-27 (NIV)

    Matthew 21:12-14 (NIV)

    Jesus is known for His love, not for His anger.

    When Jesus got angry…

    1.) It was on behalf of those who were mistreated.

    2.) He flipped tables; He didn’t flip people.

    3.) He loved and healed those who were hurting

    Mathew 21:14 (NIV)

    Colossians 2:13b-15 (NLT)

    Talk It Over…

    How do you feel about expressing anger? Are you comfortable with it, or do you tend to downplay it?

    What’s your typical way of expressing anger when you feel it?

    What makes you angrier—when you’re mistreated, or when someone you love is mistreated? Why do you think there’s a difference between the two?

    In your effort to be right, have you ever forgotten to be loving? What was that situation like? What did you learn from it?

    How might remembering God’s forgiveness of your sins change the way you approach people who have hurt or mistreated you or those you love?

    What injustices make you feel angry? When you feel anger over injustice, how can you turn the tables by loving people?


    “Father, thank You for Your forgiveness. In spite of the many ways we sin against You, You are continually patient and loving, leading us to become more like Your Son Jesus. Be with us in times when we feel anger toward others, and guide us in showing them Your love. In Jesus ’name, amen.”



