• God is absolutely powerful, entirely righteous, totally loving and completely accessible.

    There is one God and he has always existed as Father, Son and Holy Spirit.

    God created everything there is. People were made to live in loving relationships with God and each other.

    The Bible perfectly reveals how you can know God and live with him and other people as he intended.

    It is in every person’s nature to turn away from God. We all sin by doing things we shouldn’t and not doing things we should. You can’t do enough good works to earn a relationship with God.

    Jesus is the Son of God who took on a human body like ours. He showed us what a perfect human life looks like. Jesus died to take God’s punishment for our sins. He came back to life, returned to heaven, and is available to change our lives today. One day he will return to rule and reign over a new heaven and new earth.

    You begin a relationship with God when you put your trust in Jesus and ask him to be the one who forgives your sins and leads your life.

    The Holy Spirit makes people aware of their need for Jesus Christ. He also lives in every Christian from the moment they trust Jesus. He provides followers of Christ with power for living, understanding of spiritual truth, guidance in doing what is right, and gifts to accomplish ministry.

    There is a final judgment coming after this life. Those who have trusted in Jesus to forgive their sins and lead their lives will be with him eternally, and those who do not will be separated from God forever.

    The church is God’s spiritual family. While global in nature, God’s people gather together in local churches like ours to worship God, love one another, and represent Jesus Christ and his kingdom to a needy and broken world.

    We acknowledge that there is diversity among Christians in some nonessential areas of belief. We do not insist on uniformity in these areas, but rather encourage people to search the Scriptures, and to respect one another’s differences without a quarrelsome, proud, or divisive spirit, and to return continually to the Great Commandment—to love God and others.

  • We are a community church committed to Loving with Abandon.

    Loving Jesus with Abandon means that …

    We are captivated by his forgiving love, so we “pour out the whole jar.” Luke 7:36-50 (the sinful woman and the alabaster jar)

    Loving One Another with Abandon means that …

    We invite people into a life of transformation “at the table.” Acts 2:42-47 (the example of the early church)

    Loving Salinas with Abandon means that …

    We incarnationally move into relationships with good deeds and Good News “to cultivate” hope and healing in our city. Jeremiah 29:4-7, 10-14 (Israel in exile in Babylon)

  • Non-denominational – We are not anti-denominational. In fact, our congregation is comprised of people from nearly every conceivable religious and non-religious background. Our common bond is our commitment to follow Jesus and the teaching of Scripture. We enjoy the freedom of independence from any particular human institution (denomination), while being fully submitted to the head of the church, Jesus Christ (Eph. 4:15-16); to His authoritative Word (the Bible); and to a Biblically functioning council of elders (Titus 1:5-9; 1 Tim. 3:1-7). In our attempt to make the gospel attractive and accessible to as many people as possible, our non-denominational status creates a less threatening and safer environment for those who may have had a bad experience with a particular denomination

    Bible-teaching – As our doctrinal statement makes clear, we believe that the Bible is God’s authoritative Word to us about life’s most important questions and concerns. Learning and obeying the truth of God is one of the vital functions of the church. As such, the Bible is our primary and authoritative source for all we do and believe. We do not gather to consider the philosophies of men; we gather to conform our lives to the wisdom of God.

    Christ-centered – At the heart of the Bible is the gospel, the “good news” that Jesus died for the sins of the world (1 John 2:2). Without Jesus Christ and his death, burial, and resurrection, the church would have no redeeming message to teach; no spiritual authority and power; and no real hope to offer a spiritually needy world.

    Mission-oriented – As you will learn, SVCC is “deadly serious” about its purpose; to be a Biblically functioning community of Christ-followers who are obeying the Great Commandment (to love God and our neighbors) and the Great Commission (to share the redemptive message of the gospel and all its implications with as many people as possible). We do not exist for ourselves only, but also for those who have yet to hear and understand that God loves them and that there is a place for them in his family, the church. A Biblically functioning church will, by definition, be a growing church, committed to embracing “those who are being saved” day by day, (Acts 2:41, 47). From its birth, SVCC has been deeply committed to doing its part to fulfill the Great Commission, which calls us to take the gospel to all the peoples of the earth. We are committed to living this out locally through outreach efforts to our own community; and globally through partnership with missionaries from around the world.